Remove points on polyline for exporting

Hi all,
I am exporting my shapes(lines from polysurface) as a dxf/DWG.
But when the laser cutter imports the files, there are many points on the lines. The results are many lines that aren’t joined.
Does Rhino have a function to join the line (removing all points) or exporting the line (without points)?

That’s because you are exporting higher degree curves than lines, arcs, and circles. DXF/DWG has no provision for NURBS curves so they are approximated with segmented polylines.

G-Code supports three movements, a line between two coordinates, a clockwise arc, and an anti-clockwise arc.

However, before you save it out, you need to convert the curvy lines (not lines, circles, and arcs, but everything else), to chains of arc segments.

Use the Convert command to make arcs.

  • Set the Angle tolerance to zero to disable it.
  • Then use the Tolerance to control how far you are comfortable with allowing the chain of arcs to pull away from your NURBS curves.

The dots on the preview will show you the arc converting will replace your NURBS curve.

Then when you Export to DXF, use the CAM Imperial export scheme for inches and CAM Metric for millimeters. Both of these export simple geometry as lines and circles.

Always check your DXF file by opening it in Rhino before you send it for cutting to make sure it looks good.

Another option is to export using the IGES file format. Nearly all CAM applications support curves through IGES. Choose an appropriate IGES export option configuration for your CAM application.


Maybe you just need to keep them joined on export. Make sure your export settings have the following two options unchecked:

Thank you for your speedy answer. I learned a lot through your answer and will apply it before exporting.