Regulated Triangulation of a Structure

Hi all, I’ve been trying to figure out a way to create a regulated triangle frame for this structure, and similar ones, such that there are concentric rings along a generated surface. I have tried a variety of standard triangulation methods, including meshing and weaverbird, however, none of them seem to give me the simplicity that I’m looking for, or the control over where the joints land that I have in this definition. Ultimately, in the below image, there would be diagonal members spiraling all the way up. I thought I had simplified it with path mapping and essentially wrapping the list of indexes of the amount of points within the list of indexes in the rings, but I’m at a loss for getting it to actually work. I’m open to other methods, or help with path mapping in this instance. Thank you for your help!

Fishnet (24.7 KB)

This could mean many things…*{Edit} ‘weaverbird’ is a plugin, not sure what you mean by ‘standard’ - but if you’re cool with plug-ins, pufferfish has a net component…but that’s different from ‘triangulated’ ?

Maybe post an image of what you want? :slight_smile:

Show what you want - there have been countless times I start typing a question here then as I prepare images to explain what I want the breakthrough happens and I delete the post :stuck_out_tongue:


Ah sorry, end of day brain fry… The lines shown here are what I want; essentially a spiraling frame structure.

and a picture of just one…

I’m sure there are other things I could clarify from that original post. Let me know if there is :slight_smile:

Hang tight - help shall come from the experts @Joseph_Oster, @michaelvollrath :slight_smile:

I’m no expert but thanks for the kind words :smiling_face:

Thanks for the diagram of intent It looks as though your points are already sorted correctly so that’s good.

From here on our it should be a matter of drawing lines between your points by shifting the list/branch.

Essentially you have point {0;0} and need to connect that to point {1;1} then connect 1;1 to 2;2 and so on until you have exhausted the possible connections in the list.

Can you please internalize your input data and reupload @rgardn19



Fishnet (24.6 KB)
TIL if you have several data inputs selected and right click > internalize, it’ll only internalize the most recently selected one… These should all be internalized.

Thank you!

Here is one method:

Graph Space:

Model Space:

I think it can be simpler, need to remember the path mapping formula I used previously for a similar exercise.

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Thanks Michael! This could work, but it does have some interesting behavior, in that it generates the top ring. It would be easy enough to cull that particular curve but that could add some mess to the definition, as I plan to use it for less vertical structures as well.

I’m attaching a version of the file without any of the messy exploration into path mapper that I went through, just for clarity’s sake.
Fishnet (24.4 KB)

I suppose I would be the most interested in a potential path mapper solution… This file has as close as I was able to get before getting out of my wits.

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Rhino messing with you because, as you probably experienced already, at least with this particular shape (or the intersection curves you’re generating off of it) even upon realigning curves via seam adjustments, they just don’t align, huh…naughty pachyderm.

You’re better off attempting reordering points via polar coordinates:

Check it out - you can do some housekeeping and get fancy with path mapping later if you want, I guess:
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Not everything I did is strictly necessary, or maybe it was, to get you an okay screenshot, who knows! And not my fault if it doesn’t work :rofl:


Oops, just fyi: I saved the file (on top) with the same name as the previous response from Michael, apologies in advance for confusions!

Thanks @rgardn19 ,

I didn’t even notice the top cap lines before :upside_down_face:

Here’s a simplified version using the Relative Item component:

Graph Space:

Model Space:

This should work better than before…


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Funny thing(s) - pardon the randomness - today I’ve had to put something together really fast while I’m stuck on other things. I totally forgot about the diagonalize component from Kangaroo. It can save a bunch of time provided section curves are aligned and lofted (straight loft or mesh loft), then diagonalized.



The stuff from @michaelvollrath is always smart and looks prettier though


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Nice! Good to know! Admittedly, I’ve yet to use a single Kangaroo component. Not because I’m opposed to it but I just haven’t had a need yet.

I really need to study what it has to offer though

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Well as a physics engine it truly works wonders when you need to design with certain behaviors/forces - plus Daniel added many tools/utilities for meshes :smiley:

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I think i’m going to start playing around with it for dynamic furniture placement. Using 2D shapes to “collide” room boundaries and such to pack or check furniture groupings for a “best fit” kind of case per shape condition.

Anyways yes it looks to be a great plugin, I’ve seen lots of interesting work created with it!

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