another top success .
Stars 3 and 4 are not considered here, they have another logic but it does not matter.
thank you very much anikolo
This is similar to the first version I posted in that alignment is a manual, approximate process, not the precise solution that @Fazloullah was asking for.
This is clever and sophisticated but not as intuitively obvious as your purely geometric solution of connecting alternate points. To me, that method shows off the beauty of GH best.
it does not answer the basic question (Regular Star), but I learned a lot by looking at your defintion.
thank you very much Dani_Abalde
excellent definition that can have multiple applications.
Thank you very much for your participation RadovanG
Interesting… More so to me as a third alternative to what to do after the Divide, Shift, Line pattern from @anikolo’s first post than the “any base curve” aspect. Not quite complete without adding Join at the end:
Hello Everybody,
I am trying to reuse this file, but I would like to add rounded corners. I’ve tried with fillets but for some reason is not making it in one of the corners. Is there an alternative way to do this?
Did you check if your plolyline is closed? (Boolean parameter in C input)
I just closed it! thanks for helping out
you must use command polygon with option Star or polygon s
Here’s a more generalized starmaker I cobbled together a while ago from several ideas I found in this forum. I have used it many times for making 3D printed objects like vases and LED lights.
I dare say the cluster could be improved a bit to prevent things like having the inside diameter become larger than the outside diameter, but oh well. (I’ve actually hit on some interesting shapes by doing that.) (12.9 KB)
Hi All,
Attached is a star polygon maker that uses the same code behind the Polygon
command. (9.3 KB)
– Dale