I am trying to make star shape polyline using the points shown in the picture in c#.
Any help would be great!
attached image and script.
List<Point3d> Tpts = new List<Point3d>();
List<Point3d> midPts = new List<Point3d>();
List<Point3d> endPts = new List<Point3d>();
List<Point3d> strPts = new List<Point3d>();
List<Curve> star = new List<Curve>();
List<Curve> crvs = Polygon(2, 8, 22);
Curve cr = crvs[0];
List<Curve> cC = cr.DuplicateSegments().ToList();
Rhino.Geometry.AreaMassProperties cA = Rhino.Geometry.AreaMassProperties.Compute(cr);
Point3d centro = cA.Centroid;
foreach (Curve c in cC)
Point3d p = c.PointAtNormalizedLength(0.5);
Point3d p1 = c.PointAtEnd;
foreach(Point3d pt in endPts)
Curve lines = new Line(centro, pt).ToNurbsCurve();
Point3d mP = lines.PointAt(t);
/* /???
for (int i = 0; i < Tpts.Count;i++)
strPts.Insert(i+2, midPts[i]);
Polyline allPls = new Polyline(strPts);