Referencing plugin DLLs in C# components (Mac 6/7 Grasshopper)


Rhino plugin and Grasshopper plugin are installed via the same .macrhi. They have the structure (on Mac):
-- MacPlugins
---- MyPlugin.rhp
-------- MyGrasshopperPlugin.gha
-------- MyRhinoPlugin.rhp
-------- MySharedLibrary.dll

The behavior of the precompiled works as expected (references to the same dll can share information via static properties), however I’m not yet able to get this to work in C# components on Mac.

Windows Behaviour

On Windows, I can right click a C# component, go to Manage Assemblies > Add, select MySharedLibary.dll and share the same instance.

Mac Behaviour

On Mac, when I go to Manage Assemblies > Add I can select the root MyPlugin.rhp but I can’t expand that (folder?) to select the MySharedLibrary.dll inside.

Is it possible to reference this dll in a script assembly in Rhino 6/7 Mac? Or WIP?