Redistribute control points?

After rebuilding even carefully contructed surfaces I get a somewhat wild replacement of control points. So far I’ve spent a lot of time manually realigning rows of control points. Is there a means to do this via a command or script?

What are you trying to achieve by realigning the control points? Are you aligning them per surface or aligning through multiple surfaces?


I’m working on single surfaces that I want to match. The results I’m getting are always obvious discontinuities.

I’ve been bogged down on this particualar problem for over a week.

Have you tried SetPt? I assume it is available in Rhino for Mac

Set point is useful but what I’d like to do is respace the points evenly or smoothly. Running smooth on the selected points also helps but it doesn’t seem to deal with spacing much.

have you tried the command _-Rebuild ?


If MoveUVN is in Rhino for mac - I can’t remember and can’t check at the moment - try the ‘smoothing’ sliders there.


It is here in MacRhino. Thanks Pascel, never used that.
