G’day McNeel,
RebuildEdges seems to have stopped working with post-selection of objects.
It works fine with pre-selection.
RebuildEdges example.3dm (213.3 KB)
G’day McNeel,
RebuildEdges seems to have stopped working with post-selection of objects.
It works fine with pre-selection.
RebuildEdges example.3dm (213.3 KB)
Hi Nick- thanks, I see that.
Shrinking the surface sorts out the ugly meshing but you still need to rebuildEdges (or untrim, would be better on the shrunken surface, in this case) to get the vertex tolerance cleaned up.
Edge Tolerances: all 0.000
Vertex Tolerances: 0.000 to 16.683 <<<<<HERE
median = 8.342 average = 8.342
RH-70615 RebuildEdges
Thanks Pascal.
FYI, this was imported from a STEP file. Generally I don’t play with tolerances, and it is always the pipes that import poorly.
Hi Nick -
Do you create those STEP files or are you merely on the receiving end?
Can you post a simple STEP file that imports poorly?
Thanks for that STEP file, Nick.
I’ve put it on the list as RH-70639 File IO: Messy edges on STEP import
We’ll see if anything can be done here.