Rear view of an AM/FM receiver - (render)

The rear view of electronics is generally unremarkable, but here is a render anyway.

Front View:


Details you could swim in!! wonderful as always… thanks for sharing!


Many thanks Kyle !
There’s also a circuit board inside it, but it’s missing all the solder pads and needs to be worked on.


yeah I can see why you wouldn’t want to share awful images like that one… >dripping sarcasm<

I love the fact that you added bend to each part to tell the story that it was made by hands…

Wonderful as it sits… thanks for always raising the bar… :wink:

Class is in session folks… Thomas is giving a clinic here…

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Excellent work, just like a real one!

This reminds me when I repaired such electronic devices.

I am thinking, why didn’t you use some ceramic or polyester capacitors in the circuit as RF filter or bypass?

Thanks !
The single reference photo I have on the interior is not easy to decipher, so I took (simplifying) liberties :slight_smile:


Nevertheless, it is a masterwork

Good luck :slight_smile:

Wow… Wonderful.
Thanks for sharing.

Best regards,

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All that detail on the circuit board from just 1 reference image!

Absolutely amazing work Thomas, I’m blown away by the sheer attention to detail

Best of luck on your future endeavours :slightly_smiling_face:


Mesmerising ! Always interesting to look beyond the visible face of objects.

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