Dear Sir / Madame,
While iterating through the objects of a 3dm file, I’m trying to obtain the texture associated with a material assigned to some object, but I don’t see a way to achieve this.
The code I’m using is:
auto file = ON::OpenFile("...", "rb");
auto archive = ON_BinaryFile{ON::archive_mode::read3dm, file};
auto model = ONX_Model{};
auto it = ONX_ModelComponentIterator{model, ON_ModelComponent::Type::ModelGeometry};
for (const auto *model_component = it.FirstComponent(); model_component; model_component = it.NextComponent()) {
const auto geometry = ON_ModelGeometryComponent::Cast(model_component)->Geometry();
const auto attributes = model_geometry->Attributes(nullptr);
const auto mesh = ON_Mesh::Cast(geometry);
if (!mesh) continue;
if (attributes->m_name.CompareNoCase(id) != 0) continue;
const auto pMaterial = model.RenderMaterialFromAttributes(*attributes);
const auto material = ON_Material::Cast(pMaterial.ModelComponent());
const auto texture_id = material->FindTexture(0, ON_Texture::TYPE::bitmap_texture);
assert(texture_id >= 0);
In the above piece of code, the assertion fails, indicating it couldn’t find any textures, whereas the object being iterated does have a texture assigned. Also, the m_textures table seems to be empty.
Is there another way how I can access the texture information while reading a 3dm file?
Kind regards,
Erik Valkering