How I can open dxf files like a 3dm files?
File3dm model = File3dm.Read(path);
Is there any way to do this from dxf files?
Thanks in advance
How I can open dxf files like a 3dm files?
File3dm model = File3dm.Read(path);
Is there any way to do this from dxf files?
Thanks in advance
Only in a scripted way:
RhinoApp.RunScript("_-Open "path to myfile.dxf" _-Enter");
Thanks menno your answer, but I don’t wish that all layouts and objects are been drawing on rhino interface. Is there any way to do this?
Another alternative would be to import all layers as sublayers of a temporary layer which will delete later. Is it feasible with runscript command?
In that case, maybe you can use the netdxf library. It can be found at https://www.nuget.org/packages/netDXF/
You still need to convert all the geometry data to Rhino format, however.
Thanks, I have taken a look to netDXF and I think that it is too hard, code, debugg and test all objects. I thought that rhino can generate a file3dm objet without load the main view. Since it is able to import dxf files with the import command and all work is done. I will continue looking for a solution.
Thanks again.
For 3dm files, yes. For all other file types, you will need to follow the steps outlined by @menno.
Ok. Thanks menno and dale