Question 1:
I have a random component with a value set to 300 for the number of values.
I have attempted to create a set but i am only getting 245 values out of it and not 300? can anyone help me understand why?
Question 2:
I am trying to create six groups of randomized “blocks” each with a different color, can anyone provide any guidance on the best way to achieve this. I am not sure if I am using the create set component correctly or if there is an even more efficient way of doing it?
I attempted this myself and I feel I am getting closer but its still not correct.
I culled (cull index) the randomized set with group 1.
I was then successful in randomizing another set (group 2) from the remaining parts, however, when I try to cull that set it seems to leave one behind (the one that is not highlighted in the image). Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Not sure I fully understand what you’re trying to achieve here, but maybe this example helps.
If your goal is to simply create 6 randomized groups, you could use Repeat Data and Jitter components. You could create a different number of repetitions for each group.
The Create Set component extracts distinct values from a list, so if you have the same integer value repeating in the initial list, the Create Set output will be shorter. If you use fractional random values, you will get the same output.