Question : How to do Orient 1D in Grasshopper


i am trying to script Orient 1D in grasshopper base on the points i have setup. simply just point by point like the image below. i wonder if there is similar way to do it in grasshopper?

thanks in advance! (10.3 KB)
orient setup.3dm (64.4 KB)

If all curves need to be in one line you can use the Linear Array component.

If the curves need to be spaced equally along a curve, use perp frames and the orient component

Thanks Martin,
I have simplfied the block object, and the distance of ever 2 point are slightly different and the upper roll of points and the lower roll points are in different XY coordinate as well

I’m not at my computer. I don’t see whether the distances between the points are equal or not.

You can try to create a polyline with the target points, explode the polyline and flow the rectangle from the line between the two points to the polyline segments…