Question about the color gradient editor

Hallo Andrew,

I have an issue to making operational the component “color gradient” with the UI Windows

I need to display a value on points, with a gradient (See the first Picture). I make this in GH with the “Dots” component.

I tried to set the color gradient editor, so I can check and modify it through the UI WIndows, with the solution from the 2nd Picture, but don´t work.

I can not find another solution.

Thanks and Best Regards

I think you’re pointing to the wrong group - you should select the group that actually contains the GH gradient object responsible for coloring the dots. see the example:
HUI Gradient Editor (13.0 KB)

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Works great!!!

Thanks a lot mr Andrews

Best Regards

Hi everyone,

I seem to be having a quite similar problem and couldnt solve it…

I am using a mesh which i want to color with a gradient according to a list of values.

even though it seems to apply a color for one value onto the mash, it seems that it sorts the colors on the mesh. ideally, each face of the mesh shall be applied to one specific value i.e. 0.65.

Instead of applying the colors according to the faces values, it seems to take the values for the colors but then puts them in order according to the gradient.

does anybody have a suggestion how i could possibly solve this?

Thanks in advance,
ChristianeCOLOR MESH GRADIENT.3dm (30.5 KB) COLOR MESH (6.3 KB)


I don’t have R6 so can’t read your Rhino file and see your mesh. And I don’t know much about meshes… Still, I manged this little demo: (18.4 KB)

There is a switch to toggle between “Area”, which uses the Area of each mesh face as the value for Gradient, or “Values”, which uses a randomized subset of your “values to be mapped” list (so the number of values used matches the number of faces in the mesh). I assume you somehow know for certain that your list of values matches the number of faces in your mesh?

Maybe this is what you really want/need? No meshes! (13.9 KB)

Hi Joseph,

thank you very much for effort and time!
In fact, i want to use the mesh as a diagram, and the values that i have are the results from a simulation, so ideally, every field of my mesh are supposed to represent one specific value. Hence, the ‘values to be mapped’ must not be shuffled or randomized.


(Replying to your PM here)

If you’re looking for a method for coloring mesh faces without them “bleeding” into each other, have a look at this thread:

Note that the bug I point out has been fixed in Rhino 6. Making this approach (i.e. unweld the mesh to it faces, then color these using mesh.VertexColors.SetColor(face,color)) substantially more efficient.

Edit: Here’s a quick implementation: (2.6 MB)

Hello Anders,

thank you very much for your reply. This is amazing!!!


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