Can the settings please be improved so the symmetry input accepts multiple options?
Currently it is only possible to set one symmetry plane and two inputs create a copy of the settings resulting in two quad meshes…
Can the settings please be improved so the symmetry input accepts multiple options?
Currently it is only possible to set one symmetry plane and two inputs create a copy of the settings resulting in two quad meshes…
There are situation where it does not provide the expected result.
In my example, the original mesh is positioned on the origin. Y-axis symmetry results in one shape as expected.
Adding X-axis symmetry results in two outputs. I’d want just one object.
The settings component does not allow checking multiple options for symmetry…
Martin well spotted
Maybe for now same effect over bumpy way are,
trim object by wanted axes, put the trimmed part to QuadRemesh, mirror and join.
In this case i think the shapes must joined with boolean than use quaremesh inside the script
like this:
If the symmetry repeated we must repeat the two first steps before using Quadremesh:
Dear @anon39580149 I’m not looking for workarounds
If this is a request add it to the title و will be more clear and directed.
In my first sentence I’m asking if the setting inputs could be improved. Come on!