Quad Remesh settings - Symmetry input problem - feature request

Can the settings please be improved so the symmetry input accepts multiple options?

Currently it is only possible to set one symmetry plane and two inputs create a copy of the settings resulting in two quad meshes…

This is possible with scripting

quadremesh.gh (22.6 KB)

It also work in the exist component

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There are situation where it does not provide the expected result.

In my example, the original mesh is positioned on the origin. Y-axis symmetry results in one shape as expected.

Adding X-axis symmetry results in two outputs. I’d want just one object.

The settings component does not allow checking multiple options for symmetry…

Martin well spotted :face_with_monocle:
Maybe for now same effect over bumpy way are,
trim object by wanted axes, put the trimmed part to QuadRemesh, mirror and join.

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In this case i think the shapes must joined with boolean than use quaremesh inside the script
like this:

  1. Geo1 >> mirror (with control of the mirror plane) >> Geo2
  2. Boolean union Geo1 and Geo2 >> Geo3
  3. Quadremesh Geo3

If the symmetry repeated we must repeat the two first steps before using Quadremesh:

  1. Geo1 >> mirror1 (with control of the mirror plane) >> Geo2
  2. Boolean union Geo1 and Geo2 >> Geo3
  3. Geo3 >> mirror2 (with control of the mirror plane) >> Geo4
  4. Boolean union Geo3 and Geo4 >> Geo5
  5. Quadremesh Geo5

Dear @anon39580149 I’m not looking for workarounds :wink:

If this is a request add it to the title و will be more clear and directed.

In my first sentence I’m asking if the setting inputs could be improved. Come on!