Quad Meshing, Principal Curvature and Hex Planarization

Dear @DanielPiker,

I was reading this publication: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/38060738.pdf
And would like to ask if a planar quad mesh, whose faces have inscribed circles, has all the time principal curvature in u-v directions of such quad mesh ?

The reason for asking this, is that mesh would be planar after creating triangulation (3) , making dual (4) and then intersecting current polygon plane with neighbor ones(5).

Interesting, I’d have to think about it some more.
I notice there are multiple choices for the location of the planes (depending on how you form the dual - barycentric, circumcentric etc), and their normals (since the polygons in step 4 aren’t planar, there are various ways to define a single normal for each one).
I suspect as well that this method might not guarantee the planar hexagons aren’t ever self intersecting, though it looks from your image like it is working well here.

Hi, any chance you could share some gh definition related to this?