Python3: Can not remove module path

I was testing some things, and added a path via the new Python3 / Tools / Options / Python3 / Module Search Path GUI and now it can’t be removed?

I have ‘deleted’ it several times now using the trash-can icon, and have rebooted Rhino several times, tried ‘Restore Defaults’, but it won’t stay gone, it shows back up every time I start Rhino/GH now? How can I remove it properly?

thank you,


  • Macbook 2021, Apple M1 Max
  • macOS 13.6.6 (Ventura)
  • Rhino Version 8 (8.8.24142.13002, 2024-05-21)


Go to %HOMEPATH%\.rhinocode and delete any python.pth or python-3.pth files

I’ll take a look and make sure the delete path works


thanks @eirannejad !

that worked perfectly.


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Thanks, it worked perfectlry for me too

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