Hello All,
How to fix this? (the pulled curve lacks of a segment)
Usually I try to explode the curve or split the surface, but I would like to have something more efficient.
Test 1.gh (9.8 KB)
Thank you!
Hello All,
How to fix this? (the pulled curve lacks of a segment)
Usually I try to explode the curve or split the surface, but I would like to have something more efficient.
Thank you!
Maybe you can use the Project component as an alternative, although the result is not exactly the same
I think it is because the Pull Curve component pulls only once. If I split your curve in half and get the part not pulled, then the Pull component works as you are expecting.
I get the same behavior with circles and a flat surface.
Thank you for you reply Fernando.
In the meantime I “fix” the problem by flipping the curve direction, pull the starting curve and the flipped one in two separate commands. But your solution works way better. Thank you!