Problem with SR10 update

When I try to install the newest version i get this:

I should note that I have to install manually since i connect to the internet through a proxy.

Hmmm - new to me… @brian, any idea?



How did you download this installer? I’m surprised to see the MSI installer dialog box as your screen capture. That means that we also don’t have a log of the install for me to be able to figure out what’s going wrong.

I’ve never seen this error, and I’m not sure of anywhere that the installer tries to make an account.

  • Brian

Brian GillespieRhinoceros DevelopmentRobert McNeel & Associates

@brian, it’s from

I have to download every SR manually since i can only connect to the internet through a Window Server Terminal.

If it helps, i may have used my personal email instead of my company email in conjunction with our Serial Key when i downloaded the installer, but it let me, so I assumed everything was fine. I think it’s pretty obvious that the executable doesn’t get affected by any of this, so…I can’t imagine that has anything to do with it. And I’ve done updates this way before with no trouble.