Update Installation issue

Hi, for months I have been getting the message that my Rhino 6 has an update available, when I finally clicked yes, nothing happened, and then I think the next time I clicked that Rhino could automatically update or automatically open the internet page leading to the update? At this point, my computer started freaking out. What happens is an internet explorer window opens and immediately closes and another one opens and closes etc. hundreds of times until I restart my computer.
In theory, I could just keep ignoring the update message but I would like to have it up to date, I’m suspicious I need to do this in order to have RhinoVault2 (which I tried downloading last night) work - when I follow the steps to installation, at the very last step to actually get it running it just tells me that Rhino does not recognize the command.
Is there a link from which I can download the update directly? Any advice would be super appreciated!

Hello - you can download the current installer here:



When I try running this it does the same thing where the million internet explorer browsers open and close on a loop… anything else I can try?

This is a video of what happens when I try running it. It keeps doing this until J restart my computer.

Have you scanned your computer for malware/viruses?

There doesn’t appear to be anything, this hasn’t happened with any other downloads or programs - I’ve never seen this before.

So now I have uninstalled internet explorer because this was the app that kept opening and closing. But now when I go to open the updater it does not know how to open it so it redirects me to the Microsoft App store and I do not know where to go from here.
Sorry about all the messages. I’m just a little desperate to get Rhino Vault 2 working, I’m trying to complete my master’s thesis remotely and keep running into seemingly endless tech issues, and have a big upcoming deadline.