When i choose print multiple Layouts the output is not vector anymore.
As long as i print a single PDF the Vectoroutput is fine.
This is a major bug. I have to print still every PDF file single, because i need vector…
When i choose print multiple Layouts the output is not vector anymore.
As long as i print a single PDF the Vectoroutput is fine.
This is a major bug. I have to print still every PDF file single, because i need vector…
Hi Milan - here this seems to be true on the opening of the file, (in Adobe Illustrator in my test). If I choose to open all pages, I get images, if I open only one page, I get vectors.
Hi Pascal,
i work with Affinity products, only single Printed documents work there.
Multiple Layout Print even if i choose to open only 1 page are Pixels.
Thank you for the fast respond
Hi MIlan - what happens if you open the pdf back in Rhino?
layers: Correct
input: 1 pixel-Picture per page
There are many threads discussing this
Mcneel is aware of this issue and it is fixed in the Release Candidate, you should get an update soon (Likely Tomorrow)
Also Problems with bugs:
Detail, Layout view inside rhino:
Printed output:
Seems to be a section Problem.
As soon as i click raster output it is correct. But i want vectors for postproduction …
There is also slightly different alignment between raster and vector output.
The print preview window is the only window i can trust before printing…
Try this (Print using the legacy dialogbox for now)
then Preview
let me know how it goes.
Same result
Which version and build are you using، Run systeminfo command
Download the newer build from here. Or wait 16 more hours to get even a newer and a better version.
3 posts were split to a new topic: Frustrated about layout names
Okay, it almost works perfect. I killed so many hours searching for mistakes in my layout, file, ect. glas it wasnt me:)
I tried the newest version.
Discovered only 1 Mistake so far.
displaymode: technical
The unwanted hidden lines are printed in vector only
screenshots from print preview:
Raster output:
Hi Milan -
Can you please post (that part of) your 3dm file?
Done, i am curious.
This thread has a solution marked; but is there still a problem? If so, can you please post the file? I don’t see it in this thread.
RH-79517 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 4 Release Candidate