Please check the position for site outline on a display compared to print preview . This misalignment happens for the first time, but is clearly unacceptable.
The printing result is the same as a preview.
Please check the position for site outline on a display compared to print preview . This misalignment happens for the first time, but is clearly unacceptable.
The printing result is the same as a preview.
Hi Piotr- can you please send this file to tech@mcneel.com? If it is very large, please zip and upload here - http://www.rhino3d.com/upload
Hi Pascal
It’s done, check the ‘tech’ mail.
Hi Piotr- can you please send this file to tech@mcneel.com? If it is very
large, please zip and upload here - http://www.rhino3d.com/upload
Hi Piotr- thanks, I can repeat the problem here. I’ve sent it on the developer for a look. As you may have discovered, printing raster, rather then vector, looks correct; I do not know if that is a useful workaround for you now.
Bug report - http://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-25277
Making raster instead of vector is only temporary solution. There is no
compare in quality and a file size between those two.
Thanks for taking actions.
As per problems with printing annotation dots which I have been reported
few times before: has it been fixed yet?
Hi Piotr- thanks, I can repeat the problem here. I’ve sent it on the
developer for a look. As you may have discovered, printing raster, rather
then vector, looks correct; I do not know if that is a useful workaround
for you now.