Possibility of multiple paths in pathfinding algorithm

Hello all, I have been working on a pathfinding algorithm for my uni, which I got to work. It works currently with 2 points (start/end), 1 obstacle, and 1 “highway” path.
paths_2d.gh (39.5 KB)
points_objects.3dm (45.8 KB)

Now the issue is I want the possibility of having multiple start/end points and obstacles. With my current solution of doing it using curve/curve intersection and the shatter components however it doesn’t seem possible atm, maybe I’m thinking about it the wrong way.

Any tips of how to go about this?

A long thread … but maybe worth reading it.

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An insane read, thank you for that, made me realise how much knowledge I am still lacking :0

It’s not quite what I’m looking for though, I’ll have to reread it to make sure, but my pathfinding around objects won’t need that amount of complexity/accuracy, especially as my obstacles won’t be as complex.
My issue lies more with having the possibility to have multiple start/end points, and finding if there are overlapping/near paths which could be combined into a more efficient bigger “highway”.

Well … if by path finding you mean an A* thingy (shortest path the modern way, that is) then in the latest posts is addressed (I’ve posted portions of code [i.e. Methods] that is not internal) the classic way: given N objects and M pairs (start/end Pts) … then find all the possible “visible” line segments (in M Loops), define a Graph and solve it (this requires VV connectivity - per possible Island) via the A* algo. Then compare (if required) the paths.

Obviously various “options” are possible: like checking segments Ccx Events and/or any imaginable other requirement.

That said the easy case (a poor relative to visibility shortest route) : imagine a Graph derived from a Mesh (any valid Mesh where holes are your object’s footprints). Then a proper A* algo can very easily find the shortest path from/to any Mesh vertex pair. You can even implement some Z factor (kinda a primitive mountain road path finding). Say something like this:

That said the general case is a MOO Path finding (Multi Objective Optimization) … but that is another animal.

But all these (while rather easy - more or less) require code.


In general any A-Star solver works either (a) using a from/to Node … Or (b) a from (or to) VS any other Node. Like (one of the many Paths is shown using pipes and TextDots [for the Nodes]):

Meaning that in case (b) you get some sort of “Dendrogram” so to speak. The Solver doesn’t care either if you use a classic Graph or a Visibility Graph because works solely against a VV Conn thingy (and the related dist Matrix).