Hi all, I have been working on a project where I have been creating polysurfaces from imported pictures, however when displaying the surfaces they appear without curves. All curve settings are turned on in display modes so not sure why they are not appearing. Could anyone help? Picture and sample file attached for reference
221115-Screen_RhinoHelp-ref.3dm (3.3 MB)
Hi @ryanhillier38
It seems that objects made from the picture frame material in R6 can’t easily be converted to “ordinary” geometry. The best offer from this thread is to export the geometries as Rhino V2 via export
and then re-importing them. I can’t believe there isn’t a better way, @pascal?
At least, it looks as if exporting and re-importing works
Some of the geometries are a bit messy with lots of small, narrow faces - but all are valid polysurfaces.
HTH, Jakob
Hi Jakob - it looks like there is no way to clear this flag within Rhino. It seems this happens on Gumball extruding, I’ve asked Mikko if that can be changed. Join can as well… ugh.
RH-71364 Gumball: Extruding pictures