Polyline within offset curve

Hello everyone.

I want to create a new polyline from intersecting curves.
Like image attached.

File also attached. Im using a component from pufferfish (cull indices)

Can anyone help me please?

polyline.gh (19.4 KB)
polyline.3dm (3.0 MB)

In this case you can use Surface Split:

polyline.gh (24.5 KB)

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Hi Marthin, thanks for your time! Yes. I was trying with surface split actually.

But I was also trying with the shatter component, to have more control of the line direction.

Do you have any idea?

Thank you!!

polyline_shatter.gh (22.3 KB)

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thank you!!

Without Pufferfish, I did not understand your objective until I looked at @martinsiegrist’s code, then did something different. I moved the LINHA CALÇADA in the direction and twice the distance between nearest corner points, intersected the moved curve with LINHA LOTE, shattered both and joined the correct fragments.

polyline_2022_Nov4a.gh (20.5 KB)

Curves are internalized, no need for Rhino file.