November 2, 2022, 2:57pm
My friends.
I need script for fabrication poly structure. For CNC-router
Thank you
your way of asking seems not acceptable, I hope it is just that english is not your native language.
it seems you just want a copycat from an existing design, if it is only for you it is not a problem if not it is surely a violation of copyright of Wood Skin work ?
WOOD-SKIN® is an Italian company that offers two completely customizable products mesh sheets and fold panels. Founded in 2013, it bridges the gap between the idea of a 3D complex surface and its realization.
In this interview, they talk about how they are using parametric design and digital fabrication to offer uniquely designed wooden panels to clients worldwide. Learn more about their team, their products, the challenging aspects of designing and building them, and how they use Shap…
A while ago I mocked up a faceted textile for a photoshoot using 1,000+ laser-cut brass triangles, adhesive, and a felt backing. I want to revisit that concept again with a little more intent, maybe try to capture a specific form by laying it on top of a 3D printed or CNC routed base. I’m challenging myself to recreate this kind of structured surface in Grasshopper but I’d appreciate some guidance.
I’ve scoured through quite a few triang…
You ask for CNC router without any information on the material, join technique …
You didn’t provide a geometry or a script ?
So you better read that
Asking questions and getting answers is what this forum is all about. Although people are generally very helpful, there are things you can do to improve your chances of getting good and quick answers. Below you will find some suggestions, but don’t think of them as rules and especially don’t think of them as guarantees.
1. Choose a descriptive title for your post
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2. Be s…