Hello every one.
I need some help with designing a facade.
I have a triangular shape with fillet corners as the outline of my building’s facade and I want to define some vertical elements that as they get close to an attraction point the distance between them decrease, and as we get far, the distance increase.
and what is important to me is to be able to control the maximum and minimum distance of these elements.
I found a code but the problem is I don’t get the logic behind some part of it, therefore, I can’t control it.
Thanks in advance for your help
the code: Variable array along curve for a screen facade – Grasshopper
Thanks for your response.
The thing is that in your code the vertical elements are moving along the x axis . but I want the to move on a curve.sth like this:
Edit: the former script didn’t actually return the minimal and maximal distance. These have to be set manually (or with Galapagos as I also did as an experiment): gradial distance v3.gh (20.2 KB)