Points on curve equally spaced from new start/end points

It works with one line but somehow when I add the other lines it starts getting rid of other points as well. DivideLineByLength_01_r1_MP.gh (34.8 KB)

Hi think you need to take a step back and go through this book, this is some basic list management stuff, and of course I/we will help you but you won’t really understand until you know about data trees and and how to manipulate them.

For instance you have 3 points at every curve end.

Your Eval Length has a warning but I don’t have time to investigate.

Anyway this works.
DivideLineByLength_01_r1_MP.gh (36.9 KB)


thanks @Michael_Pryor this works perfectly.
Thanks for the link!

Hi all,

Here is something I have struggled with. I would like to place an object on all of these points the object should be oriented along the curve normal to the surface.
I am attaching a picture showing my intent.

Thank you