Point to Point Align?


I’m wondering what the most efficient way is to align objects using two points. For instance, I’d like to Align, VerticalCenter this a drawing within a frame, but because the body of the light has more visual weight I want to align the larger part of the drawing to the center for the frame rather than the combination of the body and the plug. (screenshot of what I’m talking about below.)

Would be nice if there were a way to Align, VerticalCenter, Select the point on the object, align it to the other point, ideally all as one macro.


Hi Paul - please post a simple example file.


Hi Pascal,

Thanks for your reply. I made a simple file with a note about what I’m wanting to do.

Alignment Points.3dm (64.4 KB)


One point of clarification: When I say “centerpoint” in the note the first time I’m referring to the centerpoint of the larger shape, the second time I’m referring to the center of the smaller object…

Also it would not have to literally be a point object, just any point you would select.

Hi Paul - It’s not Align but see how this works -
Select the object to move, start Move, snap to the ‘from’ point, then using Ortho drag in X or Y and hit Tab to lock the direction - then snap to the target point.

Is that it?


Hi Pascal,

That’s very close to what I want to do.

The issue I’m having is that in more complex drawings, like the one at the top, the snaps sometimes get in the way and slow things down a bit. It’s really just about consolidating these six steps into three:


  1. Turn on Ortho
  2. Move
  3. Click the point to move from
  4. Move the mouse downwards, checking if it’s 90 degrees
  5. Hit tab
  6. Click the object


  1. [Alias here]
  2. Click the point
  3. Click the other point

Another way to do it I imagine would be to set up a macro for move that locks it into a direction by default, like move along X, move along Y. Is there a way to do that? I know there’s move vertical but there doesn’t seem to be an equivalent to my that works in Top view.


Hi Paul - Move in X only:
! _Move _Pause _Pause _Along r0,0,0 r1,0,0


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Knew there must be a way. Thanks, Pascal!