Point sorting, irregular tri-remesh setting

Hello, I love this community.

I have learned so many novel approaches to complex problems and or issues.

I have a challenge for anyone to contribute.

I am trying to sort these points in the right order to be able to put them into groups of 3 thus allowing me to generate specific localized facade covers for each middle point.

Thanks for all of your suggestions and help in advance.

Window Facade.gh (100.2 KB)

Attached is the og file.

Any suggestions are welcomed. i downloaded duck plugin to reorder but no dice so far.

I also tried using parameter placeholder points substituting the x,y for other values such as angles of rotation from y, but still not getting what i am looking for.

:rofl: Why :interrobang:

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Joseph you bring up a great point, i am newer to the community so just ignore the previous iteration.
Window Facade Simplified.gh (314.0 KB)