Hi, I want to get my module for clay printing, that I want to use point attractor to add weaving pattern to my module. I followed another script in the forum that it set random points and create different degrees of weaving. Forum:
I copied part of my code into yours (white group) and added the cyan group to make the result more obvious by coloring polyline segments based on their length. I added the Pipe because the segments are harder to see. Two of your images look like the pipe radius is larger on the peaks and smaller in the valleys?
[point attractor_2023Jun8a]
point attractor_2023Jun8a.gh (21.7 KB)
P.S. The yellow group is a rough approximation of changing pipe radius based on segment length.
[point attracto…
However, my result is quite weird and I dont really understand why is that.
Trial.gh (402.1 KB)
Trial_03.3dm (1.1 MB)
Anyone knows why? I am quite new for grasshopper. Thanks!
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October 23, 2023, 5:35pm
because your starting Brep has self-intersections in these locations, the curves generated by Contour in proximity of those are not joinable
this creates a sort of snowball-effect in causing errors on curves that should belong to different (Z) layers, while are on the very same plane
I would suggest to fix the initial Brep by removing any self intersection first
October 23, 2023, 8:40pm
this solves the self intersecting issuee and creats a contour which you could use for your weaving script part.
Trial.gh (771.5 KB)