Plane | Curve gives unexpected additional points

Hi, please let me ask this very dumb question. I dont know why the Plane|Curve component gave me 24 output points from only 22 input points. Can not understand where the additional points come from?

Thanks, (16.7 KB)

The two extra points originate from the last plane. CurveXPlane checks all plane intersections on the provided curve. The last plane intersects multiple times with the curve.

If you want to maintain only the points closest to the plane you can sort the outcome using the distance towards the frame origin (or P(Point) from the Curve divide length, they are identical)


in alternative to Martijn’s nice solution, you could consider building planar surfaces on your Planes, and give them a size just to intersect your second curve once (it’s not always possible, but in this case it is :+1: ) then BCX

while a Plane is infinite, a Planar Surface is not

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