Curve | Plane intersection missing points

I need to find points and their distances perpendicular to the main curve along certain distances.
I can’t use Curve Closest Point because it looks for a distance perpendicular to the curve, I need a distance in a defined plane. I wanted to achieve this using Perpendicular Frames and Curve | Plane, but the problem is that the component doesn’t find all the (obvious to me) intersections.

I have tried other approaches as well:

  • replacing planes with planar faces
  • interpolation of the curve on which I am looking for intersections
  • curve extrusion - intersecting curves with planes - starting points of curves

What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way to achieve the result? (11.9 KB) (13.1 KB)

Thanks, that works !
Any idea why the solution with perpendicural frames did not ?

I’m not too sure why the frame doesn’t work… If I put a surface on that plane the intersect works fine