When I convert a spline to a vector, the result is a vector in the Z direction. I know that splines cannot be converted to a spline like this, but the result is odd to me regardless. Why doesn’t this result in a or a vector between the end points?
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Convert curve to vector.gh (5.5 KB)
Here the curve must be converted to plane and plane to vector that gives the Normal (Z) of the plane.
If it is a line => Frame=> line direction
And if not planar => error
So be careful with auto-conversion. For example a color is transformed to a point3d with values in X, Y and Z ranging from [-1 to 1] but color with values as RGB require values [0 1].
what @laurent_delrieu said, plus the thing that depending if a -planar- curve is clockwise or counterclockwise, you will get the opposite plane