Spline for travel paths

Hello im trying to create a new travel path for my 3d printer, but i need it to be like its always tangent at the start and the end of the piece so the sewing does not break during the machines travel. Something like this in grasshopper. If any of you know how i could make this kind of spline let me know.
Thanks a lot.

red line is direction of the piece and green one is the desirable spline.

There’s the arc SED which lets you input a tangent vector.

arcSED.gh (11.0 KB)


thats perfect!! thank u very much, could u explain me why do u use -1 at list item?

it’s reverse. -1 is the last item in the list, could also be 3 in this case, but for this you need to know the length of the list. -2 would be the second to last item in the list.


thats great, but i have one issue once i have started using it. It’s that how can i use it for more than 2 geometries, i mean if i have f.e. 10 geometries and i want to conect them with a tangent arc, would it be possible? @lars.renklint

Graft your rectangles output. Make sure you select rectangles in the correct order.

graft.gh (7.6 KB)

Or first sort your rectangles:

sort.gh (13.4 KB)

Thank you for your response, but with that way it does not connect every curve f.e. A and 2, do you understand me?

@ftzuk @lars.renklint @dn.aur

select.gh (20.3 KB)

thats exactly what i needed!! do you know why some of them are bigger than the other ones??

Just because of the spacing between those rectangles. If the spacing was equal the arcs would also be equal.