Hello everyone,
I’ve been running Kangaroo to planarize all the faces of that mesh:
As you can see it worked perfectly!
The problem is that I want all the beams coming from the face offset component -of that same mesh- to be planar as well, and as you can see here… the area at the top has some problems:
So, how can I include that in the goals I give to Kangaroo? is that even possible?
In order for the beams to also be planar, you need your mesh to be conical .
…and here’s an example definition showing a way to generate such a conical planar quad mesh, its constant distance face-face offset, and the corresponding torsion free beam layout, on a given target surface:
conical_demo.gh (52.0 KB)
In this example I’ve started with a simple regular flat square grid, and pulled it onto the surface. As you slowly slide up the strength of the planarization/conicalization constraints, it will naturally slide and rotate on the surface to find an orienta…
Thanks for your reply!
I understand that, but when I add the Conicalize goal, the mesh even diverges more from being conical!!
Can you please tell me what am I doing wrong?!
I have the file attached here if you can please take a look
Conical problem.gh (98.5 KB)
It would make sense to separate the top flat part, since that can be a simple offset.
Then it looks like conicalize works well on the main part, getting the beams to less than 1mm twist across a 1m diagonal.
Those edges on the crease itself might need special treatment - the conicalisation is for smoothly curved surfaces.
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Thank you so much Daniel!
Is there anyway that I can rejoin the top of the mesh and offset them together eventually???