Planar Hexagon cells Kangaroo

Hello everyone,

i want to use kangaroo to create a planar honeycomb surface. I tried to set up a definition, but its not working.
Do you have any solutions for this problem?
Thank you so much!

Planar honeycomb (23.2 KB)

Hi @CeliaNE

I think the definition here will be useful for you:

(you can ignore the part about downloading the new version from food4Rhino - it now comes with grasshopper automatically)

Hello Daniel, thanks for your reply.
I have already a surface developed, from which I would like to create planar hexagon cells (apply these to the surface).


In general if you take an existing surface, and a predefined hexagonal grid on that surface, the only way to make the cells planar is by significantly altering their shapes: (60.6 KB)

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after seeing the change in form resulting from the planarisation, I thought of another approach to already choose a form which will work with hexagons and thus the planarisation (positive curved form)(sphere in half).
How is it possible to put a hexagonal pattern onto the boundary surface selected to create optimized domes with the kangaroo solver, which consist of hexagonal patterns?

Kangaroo Formfinding - Hexagon (18.3 KB)