Hi everybody,
I would like to to find a way to do a surface or a polysurface wich could be like the perforaated sheet here attached.
Could someone helps me please?
Thanks a lot
Hi everybody,
I would like to to find a way to do a surface or a polysurface wich could be like the perforaated sheet here attached.
Could someone helps me please?
Thanks a lot
Nothing attached…
sorry, here it is
That would result in a very heavy brep. It would take forever to construct and mesh and display.
If it’s for visualisation then using textures would be the suggested way forward, if you need the actual shape then maybe a mesh will work.
In Rhino you could even try to get away with blocks, as I think there’s only 2 or maybe 4 types of surface element that get repeated (one for the flat region, one for the curved region, and maybe two more for transitional regions).
I would like to avoid textures because it should be used for lighting filter here…
what kind of help do you expect?
some approaches:
There are tons of possibilities but also plenty of difficulties… In the end its a matter of days not minutes.
And with grasshopper?
this is for gh. Actually manual and parametric workflows are often not that different. But still, depending on the complexity of a pattern and the underlying shape, you should not expect getting a small script here and instead calculate some days for appling such pattern on that shape with Grasshopper playing around with different mapping strategies.
This is even true for simple perforations (not that complex cell from the picture with the low resolution), at least if you want a result, where professional don’t start laughing.
Most of these „5-minutes-10-components“ gh solutions will fail on a more complex shapes or yield an unwanted or simply ugly result. Its actually quite hard to apply a pattern on a shape where you do not spot an error.
Furthermore I believe discussing problems on a forum does not mean asking for ready-to-use scripts by showing a picture. Thats why I have asked you about the kind of help you expect.
Golden rule number 7
Hi Kare,
I have done similar but in architectural scale, which I create thousands of perforated holes…
All the replies above are resonable and nice.
BUT, in case you still want do it. I would suggest:
first split the shape into several pieces.
and then, you rebuild the surfaces and divide by UV, which gets you normals on each division pts.
based on the normals you create plane in which directions you prefer. and use the “Surface Split” component to trim. Being in mind, make sure the tree data structure is clear.
I think in your case, won`t take too long to finish the trim.
Hope could give you some hints.