Penetration Test in Rhino (With image)

Dear Rhino users,

As you might encountered many times before, some parts in Rhino environment are penetrating each of them and overlapping. I need a tool that checks if the objects are passing through each other. Here I add an image visualize the problem. I need some recomendations on finding and fixing penetrations.

Thanks in advance.

you can use the Intersect command

Clash is probably going to be useful.


Hi @Mr.pinkfloyd

Using a custom display mode may help to get a dynamic feedback prior to any further more extended analysis operation…

Rodolfo Santos


that’s true. you can also make some adjustments to the Pen mode to show a dinamic intersection line every time:


Dear Rodolfo,

Thanks for sharing. But, I don’t really know how did you achieve this beatiful appearance.

Dera Diego,

Thanks for sharing. Even though I did the exact adjustment you shared in your screenshot, couldn’t see the objects the way you view.

here you have my configurationCopy of Pen.ini (12.9 KB)

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Hi @Mr.pinkfloyd

It’s a old custom display I use to check the files before production.
Give me some time to answer you, I need to check the settings on another Mac ( don’t remember exactly how I did this one ).

Back soon today.

Rodolfo Santos.


Here’s what I did.

  • A low level of transparency set for the front faces
  • A higher level of transparency set for backface

The implicit overlay gives a dynamic visual feedback.
If possible, this can be combined with @DiegoKrause suggestion to highlight the intersections.

Screenshot 2021-04-09 at 14.12.25

Hope it helps

Rodolfo Santos.

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Diego, hi.

How can I use this file to adopt your configuration?

I’m asking since I really a beginner to these stuff.


Hi -

In the Rhino Options select Display Modes under View. Then use the Import button to import that ini file.


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