PDF print color still broken

Hi Eric,
In May, I logged this bug for @steve RH-45844: Surfaces Need to Print Object Color in Print Color Mode.
Can you confirm that this accurately describes the issue?

What happens that is incorrect?
The surfaces and polysurfaces preview and print in the Print color.

What should happen instead?
Surface should preview and print in the object color, and only the wires are in Print color and width. The PrintDisplay is correct. Surfaces should not respond to the Print Color.

Thanks for your continued help with this issue.
Mary Ann Fugier

Hi Mary,

I think that describes it. The main thing is Print Preview does not show accurately how surfaces will print using Print Color. We would like to be able to print surfaces as they appear in Print Preview mode.


Are you referring to the preview window on the print dialog or having the “PrintDisplay” command enabled?

Print Preview = Print Preview is checked in the viewport drop-down.

A fix for this should be in next week’s 6.7 release candidate

OK so (6.7.18177.12461, 6/26/2018) would not have the fix?


That is correct; I fixed this yesterday afternoon so a build after 6/27/2018 would be required

FYI RH-45844 is fixed in the latest Service Release Candidate.


This plotting problem looks to be completely resolved; many thanks from us here at Bieker Boats to McNeel for taking care of it.
