PDF is missing some curves


Please see images for the problem. I have no idea how to solve this.

Checked that the curve is closed and planar on CPlane. It is not self-intersecting. Curve is valid. The curve is part of a simple group with some text. There are lots of other similar curves in groups that do not have this problem. Printing straight to printer does not have this problem (but has a different problem of a very fuzzy output which printing the pdf physically does not have.) Vector pdf, 600DPI (if that even affects vector output).

Print Issue - Missing Arcs.3dm (81.8 KB)

Model view

Detail view (with PrintDisplay on)


Curve points are a little dense, but it doesn’t look absurd for an unrolled version of a slightly curved part.


Weird. Here are three more data points, printing to Rhino PDF at defaults for 7 and 8 WIP, 8 WIP left and 7 right:

7 defaults to 600 DPI. 8 seems to default to 300 DPI (I haven’t changed any of those settings since install).

Trying V7 with 300 DPI to match leaves more holes.

Screenshot (19)

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V7 at 1200 DPI may do it, which isn’t really an explanation unless the render thinks it can skip some details smaller than the resolution and makes a mistake but might get your task done:

Screenshot (20)

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