PDF Import Painful

In latest V8 WIP importing pdf’s is not behaving nicely. Slow and heavy once it appears. Also doesn’t seem to arrive with the correct scale. I can import the same drawing into V7 no problem. Strangely if I copy/paste from V7 to V8 the geometry is fine.

Hi Miles -

Could you provide the following information: your SystemInfo, are you running on OpenGL or Metal, a simple PDF file that behaves like this?

Hi Wim, please see attached (I’ve had to delete some of the critical info from the pdf). Imports as expected in V7 :man_shrugging:t3:
PDF Test1.1.pdf (1.3 MB)
Milezee Sys Info.txt (3.8 KB)

Thanks, Miles - on the list as RH-69680.

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RH-69680 is fixed in the latest WIP. Please give it a try.

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@dan Hi Dan, I can confirm importing PDF’s is much nicer now, still feels a little sluggish when highlighting and dragging with gumball, but a massive improvement from previous WIP :+1:t3:

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