Pause/Play Animation with slider

I have a slider (range .001-1.00) that animates a simulation in GH. I am trying to incorporate a boolean that can stop and play the simulation. ‘Trigger’ is unsuccessful because I need to loop back to .001 to restart once it is complete.

something like this ? (16.7 KB)

not sure if there is a great way without scripting. My approach is to use ScheduleSolution - and I am also not sure if this is the best approach.

    // ...
    GrasshopperDocument.ScheduleSolution(interval, ScheduleSolutionCallback);
    // ...
    public void ScheduleSolutionCallback(GH_Document doc)

I am having some issues opening the file, any suggestions?

Hi @Samantha_Garza1
script ---Rhino code pluginGH is new features in Rhino8 (grasshopper)
Maybee you open this in Rhino 7?
For fix error the code must bee make by old C# Component for Rhin7

Hi, can you supply full code? I can’t open this because I have rhino 7.

// Grasshopper Script Instance
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;

using Rhino;
using Rhino.Geometry;

using Grasshopper;
using Grasshopper.Kernel;
using Grasshopper.Kernel.Data;
using Grasshopper.Kernel.Types;

public class Script_Instance : GH_ScriptInstance
      RhinoDoc RhinoDocument
      GH_Document GrasshopperDocument
      IGH_Component Component
      int Iteration

    Methods (Virtual & overridable):
      Print(string text)
      Print(string format, params object[] args)
      Reflect(object obj)
      Reflect(object obj, string method_name)
    double count;
    double direction = 1.0;
    private void RunScript(
	bool reset,
	bool running,
	double start,
	double end,
	double step,
	int interval,
	ref object a)
        // minimal error handling
        if (end < start || step < 0.0)
            a = null;
            Component.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "bad value for end, start, step");
        if (reset)
            count = start;
            direction = 1.0;
        } else {
            if (running)
                count += (step * direction);
                if (count < start || count > end)
                    direction *= -1.0;
                GrasshopperDocument.ScheduleSolution(interval, ScheduleSolutionCallback);
        a = count;
    public void ScheduleSolutionCallback(GH_Document doc)

Thank you, I have tried to copy the code into a c# component for rhino 7, however I have been unsuccessful. Any suggestions?

hi @Samantha_Garza1
I Convert it to c# Component for Rhino7
enjoy it
R7–Animation—.gh (12.7 KB)