Rhino Command in combination with Grasshopperplayer


I have created several small Grasshopper scripts and use the Grasshopper Player to run them. In some of these scripts, I collect data from Rhino/Grasshopper and use it to combine a series of Rhino commands. These commands are sent to Rhino using the Rhino Command component from LunchBox.

While these scripts often work as expected, I occasionally encounter an issue where the script does not run completely. Specifically, it executes only the first line of commands before the Grasshopper Player closes.

Below is a very simplified example to illustrate the problem:

When running this with the Grasshopperplayer it only run the -ImportLayout and skips out.

If i use the GetBoolean it will do the same.

If i us the Get Boolean and puts in a DataDam with a delay of 0.25 sec it works.
The Boolean Toggle and the DataDam do not work.

I have tried doing the Rhino Command with Python instead, but same issue when running it with the Grasshopperplayer.

Any suggestions to get this more stable?

This is very odd…
I would also really like a solution to this problem!

You really should avoid calling rhino from gh from rhino from gh from rhino…
I would write a script for the main command and use the GH_RhinoScriptInterface from the Grasshopper SDK for the grasshopper parts – if needed – instead of the GhPlayer.
I admit it’s a bit more involved code-wise, but modifying the Rhino document with scripts or commands from inside gh is always tricky.

Hi @RasmusWollerStoumann,

Calling Rhino commands from Grasshopper while it runs from Grasshopper Player should work now.

Please test latest 8.15.

Great Kike.
I will test first thing in the new year.
Tanks a lot

Hi Kike.
It looks like it is working great ! ! !.
Thanks a lot for the quick fix. It realy helps us.

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