.pat file autocad rhino hatch maker - scripting in python

Hi All,

@SamPage’s excellent makehatch routine has stopped working in Rhino7 alas! I’m looking at making a grasshopper and python equivalent using this LISP .pat file maker routine as a base. the .pat file is an elegant format but I’m having difficulty reverse engineering it in code. The hacky script is as follows, but It’s not outputting the correct values. the .pat file (test) output should look like this:

;angle, x, y, shift, offset, dash, space
108.434948823, 2, 3, -9.486832981, 3.16227766, 3.16227766, -28.460498941
45, 1, 6, 7.071067812, 7.071067812, 4.242640687, -9.899494937
333.434948823, 4, 9, 8.94427191, 4.472135955, 4.472135955, -17.8885438
251.565051177, 8, 7, 9.486832981, 3.16227766, 3.16227766, -28.4604989
236.309932474, 7, 4, 13.8675049, -2.773501, 3.605551275, -32.4499615
165.963756532, 5, 1, 9.701425, 2.42535625, 4.123105626, -37.107950631

Vector math pro’s any clues? Any help gratefully appreciated, there’s a custom hatch making hole in rhino and this would fill it!


here’s the . gh, python code below,

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import Rhino as rh
import System as sys
import scriptcontext as sc
import math
import Rhino.Geometry as rg

lines = [ [(2, 3, 0), (1, 6, 0)],
          [(1, 6, 0), (4, 9, 0)],
          [(4, 9, 0), (8, 7, 0)],
          [(8, 7, 0), (7, 4, 0)],
          [(7, 4, 0), (5, 1, 0)],
          [(5, 1, 0), (1, 2, 0)] 

def isclose(a, b, rel_tol=1e-09, abs_tol=0.0):
    return abs(a - b) <= max(rel_tol * max(abs(a), abs(b)), abs_tol)

if lines:
    def write_pat_file(lines):
        with open('output.pat', 'w') as f:
            pat_string = '*rigidEPS\n;\n;angle,     x,  y,  deltaX,     deltaY,    dist,      gap\n'
            for line in lines:
                x1, y1, _ = line[0]
                x2, y2, _ = line[1]
                startPoint = rg.Point3d(x1,y1,0)
                endPoint = rg.Point3d(x2,y2,0)
                curLine = rg.Line(startPoint,endPoint)
                Dist = curLine.Length
                angle = math.degrees(math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1))
                if angle < 0:
                    angle += 360
                x_axis = rg.Vector3d.XAxis
                vec = startPoint - endPoint
                vec2 = endPoint - startPoint
                ang_to = rg.Vector3d.VectorAngle(vec, x_axis)
                ang_from = rg.Vector3d.VectorAngle(vec2, x_axis)
                angleRadians = round(math.radians(math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1)), 6)
                Dist = curLine.Length

                if abs(x1-x2) <0.0001 or abs(y1-y2) <0.0001:
                   delta_x = 0
                   delta_y = 10
                   Dist = curLine.Length
                   Gap = Dist * - 10
                    Ang = ang_to if ang_to < math.pi else ang_from
                    #Ang = ang_from
                    AngZone = math.floor(Ang / (math.pi / 4))
                    Factor = 1
                    RF = 1
                    Gap = 0
                    print AngZone
                    if AngZone == 0:
                        DeltaY = abs(math.sin(Ang))*10
                        DeltaX = (2 * math.sin(Ang/2)) / math.cos(Ang/2) * 20
                        print str(DeltaX) + " test"
                        print DeltaY
                        print Ang
                        Gap = -(Dist - abs(Factor / DeltaY))*10
                    elif AngZone == 1:
                        DeltaY = abs(math.cos(Ang))*10
                        DeltaX = -abs(math.sin(Ang))*10
                        print DeltaX 
                        print DeltaY
                        Gap = -(Dist - abs(Factor / DeltaY))*10
                    elif AngZone == 2:
                        DeltaY = abs(math.cos(Ang))*10
                        DeltaX = -abs((1/abs(math.cos(Ang))) - abs(math.tan(Ang)))*10
                        print DeltaX 
                        print DeltaY
                    elif AngZone == 3:
                        DeltaY = abs(math.sin(Ang))* 10
                        DeltaX = abs(math.cos(Ang))* 10
                        print DeltaX 
                        print DeltaY
                        Gap = (Dist - (abs((Factor / DeltaX)*100)))
                    print Gap
                pat_string += '{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}\n'.format(angle, x1, y1, DeltaX, DeltaY, Dist, Gap, AngZone)
            return pat_string

a = write_pat_file(lines)