Parametrical array of Rhino Block

Is it possible to do a parametrical array of an existing rhino block?
Like the array tool in Autocad which keeps the possibility of changing distance or number of objects.


Elefront plugin has some block-related features and you can use several array features under the transform tab–>Array…

Thanks. I’m a complete noob in GH. I’ve managed to recreate almost all the components, but I’m missing the one “crate-01” where I can link the block. What is its name?

“crate-01” is the name of a block in the current Rhino file.

Yes, but what is the name of that cell?

It’s a panel.

PS: ModeLab has a good website to learn all things about Grasshopper

Grasshopper - an Overview | The Grasshopper Primer Third Edition (

Thank you Martin!

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Anyway, I used the “panel” as you suggested but I haven’t found a way to link it to an existing block. Am I missing something?

Post your Rhino file with at least one block and your Grasshopper definition.

TEST (5.4 KB)
TEST ARRAY.3dm (269.7 KB)

Hey Martin, as you will see i didn’t know how to link the block to the “N” slot in the “Insert block”…

I’m not using the beta EleFront but it should work the same way.

You need to write the name into a panel or directly into the N input of the component.

Hey martin could you send me back the file? I would like to investigate if it’s a problem with the Beta version…

TEST (10.5 KB)

Looks like it works just fine. One small difference in the Beta is that Insert Block doesn’t default to the World XY for the “P” input, so you need to supply it. I can add that for the next release.

Also note that you can Array the planes first and then insert those into the Insert Block component, if you like. Both are valid, depending on what you’re doing / how you like to work.

TEST ARRAY_with_EF (9.7 KB)

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perfect, thanks

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