Parametric Urban Design


I wanted to know how to design a parametric site layout on grasshopper, by giving the program for example the mass%, Road %, landscape % and service % (parameters of the needed design) and it generates all the possible options where i can choose the most suitable ones, of coarse after introducing the site itself for grasshopper.
Is such a thing possible on grasshopper ?

Thank you in advance.

In order to attempt to do something similar (even remotely related with some remote reality) you’ll need:

  1. A BIM umbrella (AECOSim or Revit).
  2. Localized Urban/Building Regulations (*).
  3. Rules that may conflict (kinda a fuzzy set) and are prone to change any time.
  4. A team of experts in coding (and a flirt with AI).
  5. Delevoping time.
  6. Depending on the complexity … maybe (just maybe) CUDA or at least an intranet of I9’s (or Ryzen).

(*) Plus - maybe - special ones like a Waldram analysis (NY etc etc).


Thank you for ur reply

Oh that’s all you want? I know there’s a hidden test command in Rhino 7 called SimpleProductAmericaWants, but I think you’re looking for something a little more elaborate.

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The iterations part sounds right up Wallace’s alley.

BTW: Anyway it’s worth to read what the Prophet has to say in the broad sense (I do hope that you know who’s C Alexander):

CAlexander_GenerativeCodes_V10.pdf (350.3 KB) The_Fifteen_Rules_Of_Apocalypse.pdf (967.7 KB)

And here’s the state of things post-Prophet:

Nguyen_asu_0010E_14850.pdf (5.4 MB)

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Amazing references! Keep 'em coming, Peter! Thanks.

And since any solution is based (or originates) on some sort of Cluster Analysis (of HAC type) while the adjacency Matrices are in reality fuzzy or chaotic or ill-defined on the fly or “evolving” or … here’s the other Prophet talking:

FST_Zadeh_FuzzySetTheory_1965.pdf (2.1 MB) FST_zimmermann_review.pdf (219.7 KB)

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