Parametric shelf


I’m having difficulty drawing this shelf in the image, I’m not succeeding and I’m not able to identify my error.

any tips?

shelf.3dm (307.8 KB)


Moved to Rhino category.

I would first create three surfaces without blends between the surfaces:

  • horizontal shelf
  • upper surface
  • lower surface
    The lower surface may need to be split into two parts at the sharp corner.

Create blend surfaces between the primary surfaces.

Contour, then extrude the contour curves for the solid parts.

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I couldn’t, and I’m doing something wrong and I don’t realize it.

does the attach help, it’s a quick and dirty approach:
Making some surfaces, to basically create shape that you can run _Contour on, then _Extrude those contours, basically what David describes:

shelf.3dm (3.3 MB)

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