I am working on parametric grid that is divided into 1mX1m squares. these surfaces are created from Sin and Square curves that was done by graphing tools on grasshopper. Please help us how to divide these surfaces evenly on 1mX1m squares. each points should be divided into 1m, but for some reason, these lines are not 1m even.
I have attached a images on grasshopper and perspective views on rhino.
Thank you for taking time to help.
I am trying to make a system of grids that is made out of 1M lines. Also the base grids needs to be out of 4 lines (rectangles). Rectangles can be reshaped but each lines has to be 1M.
Another words, each grid surfaces are made out of 1M lines of grid.
That doesn’t clarify anything for me. Do you expect the surface fragments to be one unit square? On a double curved surface? That’s not gonna happen since the curves (in Z) will change everything.
Sorry for not helping to clarify. The surface fragments to be one unit square, but each square line needs to be 1M always. Surfaces can be change in shapes but has to be made out of 1M unit square.
Hello! I am pretty new to using grasshopper and I opened up your code to see if it would work on my organic surface but the U counts are not showing up as well as giving me an error on the SWEEP1 connected to V ISOCURVE. Do you know how I can fix this?