Paneling Tools - Surface Domain Number

Hello All,

I have been studying Paneling Tools plugin using this video tutorial:

At 5:15 they say that Surface Domain Number is similar to Divide Surface component, but the former does the subdivision more equally, not considering the curvature of the surface:

However, when I test these two components in myself, they both produce identical output.
Surface Domain Number just like Divide Surface subdivides surface unevenly based on the curvature:

Can someone, please, advise if these two components are, indeed, fully interchangeable? It’s unclear why in the tutorial the Surface Domain Number component produced more even subdivision disregarding the curvature, and I could not reproduce that behavior?

Thank you.

Yes, these 2 components should be interchangeable, and the data structure they produce is identical too. I’d have to see the example used in the video to see why they produce different result there. Maybe add a comment to the video at youtube to see what the author say?