So I’ve done an update to my plugin, and I’ve had it on two computers other than my dev machine with automatic updates enabled. On both of those machines, the update did not go smoothly. It apparently partially deleted the old plugin, and then tried to load the old one, not the update. Then it attempted to load the new one, and claimed that the plugin id was already in use, and then shows me the splash screen for the old plugin.
It’s fixable by going to the roaming data for the package manager, and manually deleting the old plugin. I’m concerned, however, that I’m going to be typing the above line into hundreds of emails, even if I put that guidance on the website.
Is this common (a bug, or a windows permissions issue), or did I do something wrong in my yak distribution?
Original version was installed by pushing the ‘install’ button in the package manager, with the ‘Automatically update packages when Rhino starts’ checkbox ticked.
The update installed automatically upon starting Rhino.
I tried to reproduce this with the following steps using the latest Rhino 8 SRC (8.11) and Windows 11
I installed Pachyderm
I closed Rhino
I reopened Rhino
Pachyderm updated and I got a pleasant little splash screen
No issues on my end. The machines you performed your update on, did they have source files and debug builds lying around? That might be the cause of the issue.
And again, deleting the folder in …/AppData/Roaming/McNeel/Rhinoceros/packages/8.0/pachyderm_acoustic_simulation fixed the issue, so it wasn’t a pre-release version that was interfering. It was the previous version from the package manager.
When I peeked into the folder, it seemed that the package manager had deleted all but three of the files from my plugin, one of which was the rhp.
I have additional information. At least based on my experience updating one of our computers today, it seems like the update issue only happens on the first time the software opens after updating the version.
Rhino has old version.
Open Rhino, updates automatically, but still loads old version. There are lingering files in the packages directory.
Close Rhino.
Open Rhino, Rhino loads new version.
So could it be that it has already loaded the old version of the plugin before it tries to update it, causing a permissions problem?
Just a thought. I was unable to log into Jetbrains, but I’ll try that again later.